Släkten Rissler från Risnäs


In the years 1830/31 Doctor Per Rissler had his home Hornsberg built on the island Frösön just opposite his working place, the hospital in Östersund on the other side of the water.
The name Hornsberg was a tribute to his wife whose maiden name was "von Horn".

Today Hornsberg is a densely built-up area but of the home that gave name to the place there is nothing left. The street name Risslersgatan gives a hint to where it was situated.

The pictures below show an oil painting of the house Hornsberg seen from Frösön in direction Östersund and the other a drawing from the bridge to Östersund.
The Jamtli museum in Östersund has a photo which may has served as master for the painting.
Hornsberg-från-sjön Hornsberg-från-landsidan


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